Call for Papers

International Musicological Conference:
Bucharest, 2–6 September, 2019


The National University of Music in Bucharest in collaboration with the IMS Regional Association for the Study of Music of the Balkans announce an International Musicological Conference on the subject Musical and Cultural Osmoses in the Balkans. The conference will take place at the National University of Music Bucharest, on 2–6 September, 2019.

The purpose of the International Musicological Conference is to promote interaction, research, discussion and intercultural dialogue among musicologists, ethnomusicologists, researchers and students from Romania, the Balkans and other countries with an interest on the different local musical traditions in South-East Europe and their interactions to the Mediterranean and broader region.

The conference strongly encourages debating subjects such as art music in the Balkans and its interactions with Western Europe traditions, Byzantine and Post-Byzantine chant, methodologies and new trends in Musicology and Ethnomusicology/Music Anthropology of the Balkans, current issues and approaches in Music Education in the Balkans, music and political regimes.
Proposal may address (but are not limited to) the following categories that fall under the topic of the conference:

  1. Art Music in the Balkans
  2. Byzantine and post-Byzantine chant
  3. Musical encounters: Silk roads across Mediterranean area to Asia
  4. Ethnomusicology – Anthropology
  5. Methodologies and new trends in Musicology and Music Theory
  6. Music and politics

Conference language is English. However, participants can present in Romanian, having submitted prior to the conference and at a set deadline a translation of the final paper in English.

Proposals are invited for:

  • 20-minute papers
  • Panels of up to four presentations (90 minutes).

Abstracts of 20-minute papers should not exceed 300 words and panels’ proposals should contain the description of the panel’s subject (no more than 100 words) and an abstract (no more than 300 words) for each paper included in the panel.

All proposals should be sent electronically as an attachment to the following email address: with the subject line: Musical and Cultural Osmoses in the Balkans.

The attachment should include the following information as well:

  • Name(s) of the author(s) and institution affiliation (if applicable)
  • Type of proposal
  • Title of the paper/panel proposal
  • Short biographical note of the author(s) (100 words)

Full audiovisual equipment and adequate technical support is available for all

Important dates:

  • Abstracts of proposals/panels: no later than 22 February 2019
  • Notification of approval: no later than 22 March 2019
  • Submission of finalised papers (only in cases of translated papers from Romanian to English): no later than 1 August 2019

Registration fees:

Participants: 30 Euros (10 Euros for students, including PhD candidates)

Date and venue:

Bucharest, 2–6 September, 2019, National University of Music Bucharest, 33 Știrbei Vodă
Str., Sector 1, 010102 Bucharest, Romania (

Contact information:

Further instructions and details will soon be posted on the conference webpage:
See also:
Announcements will also appear on the webpage of the National University of Music
Bucharest ( and the New Europe College (